But the renting contract of the branch is head office acting autograph, so head office pays fee, and of charge bill looking up also is to sign of head office, income also turns into head office account directly, how do this do? 但是分公司的租赁合同是总公司代签的,所以费用是总公司支付的,而费用发票的抬头也是署名总公司的,收入也是直接转入总公司帐户的,这怎么办啊?
This annual charge to earnings is not allowed as a tax deduction and, thus, has an effect on after-tax income that is roughly double that of most other expenses. 这项减少利润的年度费用不允许被用来抵扣税,所以具有一般费用大约两倍的税后收入影响。
The charge of unfairness is beginning to have a resonance among middle-class voters who not so long ago would have identified their interests with those near the top of the income scale. 不公平的指控已开始赢得中间阶层选民的共鸣,而就在不久前,他们还会将自己的利益归于靠近收入阶梯顶端的那些人之列。
At the beginning of running company, subordinate company maybe incur a loss, so we can set constituent company and combine income statement with the general company to surplus charge of general company in order to reduce income tax. 企业开办初期,下属企业可能发生亏损,设立分公司,因与总公司“合并报表”冲减总公司的利润后,可以减少应税所得,少缴所得税。
The purpose of the current taxation and charge reform is to lighten the burden of the peasants, increase their income and develop the economy of the country. 当前农村税费改革的目的在于减轻农民负担、增加农民收入、发展农村经济。
To the choice way of thinking for taking charge of should be insure to take charge of cost big in income. 对监管的选择思路应是确保监管成本大于收益。